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Weekly Update 11

This week we finished our Pugh chart analysis, decided our solution, and prepared our budget proposal. By doing so we completed our progress report along with editing and formatting the report. Our chosen solution is a combination of two of the possible solutions thought of. We felt that the option that scored the highest was not sufficient for a few of our major design specifications so we paired it with the next highest. We believe the combination is the safest and most unique solution we thought of. This is reflected in our report.

Also this week we changed the definition of one of specifications so that we could quantify it better and have a more intuitive and understandable metric. This metric was the user stress/strain. Originally we wanted to reduce the strain on the body by at least 25%. When going through Pugh analysis we figured out this is weird and could not really measure any of the solutions based off this criteria because we simply did not know. Research showed that the major muscle in the sit to stand transfer is the quadriceps and is generally weak in the older population. Because of this we redefined the metric as reducing the peak EMG reading by 40%.

This weekend we will work on the presentation due Wednesday in our case. Zach Klipsch will be representing the group.



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